Friday, September 23, 2011

No Place Like Home

Self-portrait of me and my two brothers-from-another-Mother, Keith and Scott McElrath

Friends, I'm writing this from the back porch at home.  I've been away from home on many a business trip but the homecomings were never this sweet.  I have to say that the nurses at Rex Hospital and especially on "5 East" are a wonderful group of people.  What a profession, certainly one of the most noble I can think of.  Many of them combined prayer and encouragement with their medical duties - one in particular, Deborah, took my and Renee's hands and prayed earnestly with us on our darkest day.  My hat is off to these angels.

As you saw in my last post, we received remarkable news on Friday, while my pastor was with us (I want to have him at all my doctor meetings now), that they no longer think I have lung cancer, but rather lymphoma.  Honestly I am reserving any conclusions until I hear from the MD Anderson pathology lab, which should be early to mid-next week.  Another interesting data point came in today - My nurse at MD Anderson told me that the slides from the first bronchoscopy, the ones originally diagnosed as squamous cell carcinoma by the Rex Path Lab, were deemed 'no definitive evidence on malignancy' by the MD Anderson lab.  So the plot continues to thicken and God continues to be at work in this situation.  The slides from my operation, both lymph nodes and a 'tumor' biopsy, are enroute to MDA now.

Well I just wanted to let you all know that I'm out of the hospital, still working on the pneumonia symptoms, and praying that I will continue to improve while taking it easy here.  My parents will be here through tomorrow, then Renee's sister will come for a few days, and then Renee's parents will be back.  Of course with me back home, the burdens are mostly lifted.  I also want to thank the many people who came to visit me in the hospital.  Yesterday was particularly busy with visitors, up until 9 pm. 

Please pray for my pneumonia to clear up, my immune system to start firing on all cylinders, and for MD Anderson to say, early next week, "no malignancy".  With God, all things are possible.  Keep the faith!  Dan

1 comment:

  1. Dan, Although tough I look forward to reading your posts. Even when the news is tough your faith shines through the writing. I was in Md., last week training. On Thursday as I was planning on going to Baltimore to see my brother I received word that my 3 year old great-nephew, TJ, was diagnosed with Leukemia on Wednesday and was in Johns Hopkins. I of course went to the hospital to be with my family and I shared your words of hope and faith with my Nephew and family. TJ is doing great and will be out of the hospital in a few days. We remain faithful and thankful for God will see us through also. Take care and I will continue to be in prayer for you and your family.
    Patrick Curry
