Sunday, October 27, 2013

Houston, We Have No Problems :-)

With Renee and AnneMarie Wallace, our "Pastor in Houston" and my host for the Awards Dinner
Hello all, it's Sunday evening and I'm watching a little baseball....we had a special week in Houston with my parents and my sisters.  They came to town to attend the MD Anderson Chaplaincy Fund's annual fund raising dinner, at which I was one of the speakers, giving the patient's perspective on the importance of the chaplaincy program at MDA.  It was a great evening, attended not only by my immediate family, but also my transplant doctor, Dr. Chitra Hosing, my Stephens Minister, Dorian Benn, my new pal from the JMT, Steve Roberts, the Archbishop of Houston, Daniel Cardinal DiNardo, and my dear friend and pastor from the First Presbyterian Church and Chaplaincy Fund Board member, AnneMarie Wallace (and another 200+ donors and guests).

With the FAM at the Rotary House on Saturday
We were also in Houston for my annual battery of tests - which also went well.  The main tests for cancer are the PET scan, which was negative, and the bone marrow biopsy - the biopsy results come in over a couple of weeks - the initial findings just say whether you have a normal proportion of the various kinds of blood cells in your marrow - and I passed that test.  The second test is called flow cytometry which examines individual cells to determine if any cancer cells are present.  I should get that result sometime next week.  I'll post a brief update then.  Thanks to all your prayers.  We feel very blessed.  Dan


  1. Dan, I hadn't heard any of your story until today, while chatting with a colleague. It's a great blog you've got here; its great to see someone giving glory to God through their life, photos, and words.

    1. John, thanks for your kinds words and encouragement - and thanks for visiting :-)
