Folks, after Dr. Keating and Dr. Hosing (transplant doctor) conferred today, they decided that the best course is to proceed with hyperCVAD, thus hitting the lymphoma head-on and going for full or partial remission within 2 treatments. There is EBV present in my blood, as there is in most people's blood, and they may yet pursue a post-transplant procedure that will kill the EBV, which would enhance my recovery and reduce/eliminate the potential for EBV to cause mischief in the future.
So, the plan is back to what it was over the weekend, ie, 2 rounds of chemo and then transplant. If the treatments go as planned, the transplant would take place in December. There are a few dependencies, including but not limited to:
- lymphoma responds to hyperCVAD treatment (tumor shrinks or disappears)
- pneumonia/fevers are cleared up
- chemo side effects, including low blood counts, are managed
If the above dependencies are met, we can proceed to transplant with 50% confidence in being cured - woo-hoo!! We thank the Lord for His provision, His loving care, His plan for our salvation and His plan for our eternal life with Him. We declare our complete trust in Him to oversee every detail of this process, to guide the minds and hands of the doctors, to walk with me, Renee, Rachel and Kenyon every step of the way, to carry me when I cannot walk, and to comfort and strengthen us through the coming challenges. Each of you has a part to play in God's plan - your prayers and encouragement are more precious than gold to us...please keep them coming. This is all for His glory.
I'm reading the bible daily using a reading plan called "M'Cheyne" part of my assignment was this passage from 2nd Corinthians chapter 3 (verses 16-18): "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
This present treatment will run through Sunday and our plan is to return to Raleigh on Monday. With much love - Dan and Renee
Dan, your high spirit and strong faith have always been inspiring to all of us! We're praying for you diligently that you be healed and return to us soon! - Harrison