Today is Monday and I have been meaning to get this post out for a week - this may be the last before I fly out next Monday for Fresno and the High say that I am excited about this trip is a huge understatement. I'm not sure what the right words would be...a combination of elation, trepidation, anticipation, all at about 10,000 volts.....There's a lot to update you on, so let me get started.
Renee's finger and hand are getting better, but very slowly. This bite has put a huge damper on Renee's summer, to say the least. The doc still cannot rule out surgery or some loss of motion and strength. Here's the latest pic:
So, physical therapy daily and doctor visits every 2 weeks continue.
On the hike front, I am making almost daily jaunts out to REI for last-minute supplies and gear additions and changes. I think I will be tweaking things until the last minute. Physically all systems seem to be on "go", as I had my last routine checkup with Dr. Kritz today and my counts were strong again. Thanks be to God for that!
Our fundraising progress stands at just about $70,000, though we are still a hair short and there's an opportunity for someone to push us over that milestone! Donate here
I wanted to share a video with you that tells a little more about the 8 year old girl who was miraculously cured by a team of doctors in Pennsylvania - I think I posted a link to a Wall St Journal article about her which was published last December. This video is just amazing.
Fire with Fire Video
My sister Jill is organizing a prayer strategy that will cover me in prayer for all 28 days of my journey. If you want to get involved in this, email her at Obviously you can pray for me anytime you are led....and it will be deeply appreciated. The main things that I will be praying for will be (a) health and safety for me and for Renee and the kids while I am gone, (b) physical stamina, (c) fellowship with my fellow adventurers and (d) spiritual insights and revelation.
Sunburst at St. Peter's Basilica, Rome, June 22 |
- depart August 12
- enter Yosemite wilderness Aug 13
- Arrive Tuolumne Meadows Aug 16
- meet up with Southern Yosemite mountain guides - Aug 17
- leave Toulumne Meadows Aug 18 with SYMG
- exit wilderness at Lone Pine, CA Sept 7
- Shuttle back to Fresno Sept 8
- Fly back home Sept 9
I will have no access to a cell phone between August 18 and September 8. I hope to put up a brief post from Tuolumne Meadows on the 16th or 17th of August but that will be about it until the end of the hike. Thank you all so much for your support!!! God is good!! I could not have made it without Him - as Jesus said, "apart from me you can do nothing".