Smoky Mountain Vista taken from the Blue Ridge Parkway, 6-3-12 |
That's probably really bad French.... it's supposed to mean "the more things change", and you're supposed to fill in the rest (plu ca la mem change) - "the more they stay the same". I hope someone can correct me on that. We do have some changes to report, plus new blood counts, but I am pressed for time so forgive me if I am to the point. Let's go to the numbers - platelets up from 99,000 to 126,000! This is excellent, indicating my marrow is continuing to recover from the recent "insult", (Dr. Kritz called it that - isn't' that a great word in this situation?) which they continue to believe was a virus of unknown identity. My white count dropped precipitously, from about 13,000 down to 3,800 - this was expected because we stopped the neupogen support on the 6th of June. My ANC (absolute neutrophil count) is 1500, which is fine - but we don't want it to drop further (less than 1,000 is "neutropenia"). I will get checked again Monday morning, just before leaving for Chicago. Yes, Chicago, not Houston.
So here's the plu ca change ....I got an email from Dr. Bollard (see last post) indicating that the prepared t-cells did not "play nice" with my other sister's (Jill's) blood cells - the t-cells killed them. This test, required by the FDA, has to be a "pass" in order for me to continue as a subject for this trial. Therefore the t-cell project is on indefinite hold. I had planned to fly from Houston to Chicago to spend a couple of days with my parents and Jill and her family - so with the cancellation of the t-cell infusion, I decided to extend that trip to 4 days - I'll arrive Monday afternoon and return Friday afternoon. We already have a lot planned for those 3 days (Tu-Wed-Thu), so hopefully, much blog photo material will be on the way! (I deduce that the Lord wanted me in Chicago on Monday and Tuesday, not in Houston! All will be well.)
Back to the t-cell project - we will try to re-run the required tests with a couple of different cell populations - the same t-cells, but tested for compatibility with some of my own skin cells, and also against a sample of my dad's blood. I can't go into the medical detail except to say that they are trying to demonstrate that the t-cells, once infused into my body, will not cause a negative reaction. This process may take many weeks. Again, the overall purpose of the trial is to give my body an additional defense against the possible return of the lymphoma.
I need to run now.....God keep you and bless you.......Dan and Renee